True North Harbor Host of the Year Winners
Harbor Hosts are designated members who volunteer their knowledge and assistance to fellow Loopers when they travel to their area. Harbor Hosts go above and beyond to aid Loopers in a variety of ways so AGLCA created an award in 2011 to officially recognize the outstanding efforts of a host annually. The call for nominations is put out to the membership at the beginning of each calendar year and based on those finalists, members then vote on a winner. The award is typically presented at the Spring Rendezvous held in late April/early May.
Lynda & Eric Baumer
2023 Winners

The Baumers are Harbor Hosts in Clayton, New York. Julie Shea from the Home Port Crew nominated them and here's why she did:
"Lynda & Eric demonstrate all the work that goes on behind the scene that maybe doesn't get noticed by the Loopers they meet, but it's amazing to me! Lynda recently sent the Home Port Crew a spreadsheet she made and shared this all with us:
"They use Nebo to track, and determine if Loopers are headed toward Clayton, Canada, Lake Ontario, Alexandria Bay and points north. They then send a message through Nebo welcoming Loopers to the area, and letting them know they are the Harbor Hosts. If Loopers dock in Clayton, they stop by and introduce themselves and give/leave them a welcome bag. If Loopers were on a mooring ball, it was not uncommon for Lynda & Eric to stop by boat (21 foot) or jetski to say hello!
"Speaking of welcome bags, Lynda puts a lot of work into them! She worked with the Chamber of Commerce and local merchants/businesses to get bags and info to put inside. She said, ‘I could be seen weekly racing through town grabbing bags, pamphlets, pens etc. It was really nice to meet the vendors/merchants and tell them a little bit about AGLCA too. I connected (Nebo, text, in person) with over 150 Loopers!!’
"Inside the bags, Lynda also includes a Welcome to Clayton sheet with useful numbers, favorite restaurants, attractions etc. She now also uses a digital form and adds it into her Nebo message as a photo.
"Lynda has even reached out to some Loopers after their visit to ask if there was anything she and Eric could have done better.
"They answered lots of questions. Some answers they didn’t even know, but enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the area they thought they knew so well…(like who takes used oil, names of divers etc.), they offered rides to grocery stores and other out-of-the-way businesses (wineries/breweries).
"On top of all of that, they assisted Yensid’s crew with mailing some items left behind on the boat when they had a medical emergency. They even worked with a local marina to assist in getting Yensid hauled out/shrink wrapped/stored for the winter."
Tsali & Jacque Bentley
2022 Winners

The Bentleys are Harbor Hosts at Goosepond Marina in Scottsboro, AL. Here's what their nominators, Cam & Heather Stevens, had to say about them.
"You will only go to [Goosepond Marina] if you go along the route of the Tennessee to Chattanooga or Knoxville. As soon as we started in that direction, Tsali started sending us information about the area we were in on Nebo. We reached out to him for local knowledge several times and he helped with weather interpretations for the area as well as anchorage information. It was so helpful. As we met others along the way, they were also mentioning that they were getting Nebo messages from Tsali. When we got to Goosepond Marina, we bumped into Tsali. Later, he and Jacque came by to see us in the restaurant just to wish us well. They are a lovely couple, were very welcoming, and super helpful!"
Charlie & Robin McVey
2021 Winners

The McVeys are Harbor Hosts at their Home Port of Aqua Yacht Harbor in Iuka, Mississippi, but their willingness to go above-and-beyond for their fellow Loopers extends to everywhere they cruise, and earned them a total of six nominations!
Here's what their follow Loopers had to say about them during the nomination process:
“Charlie and Robin greeted us when we stopped at Aqua Yacht this summer and invited us on the famous pontoon trip - swimming, goat island, and the waterfall! We enjoyed the day and then evening pizza with them and a few other Loopers. Having learned we were getting a bottom paint job and swapping out props, as well as sending props to the prop shop, while we went home, Charlie took our props to the shop and set everything up for us. Both of them exude great southern hospitality!”
“Charlie and Robin McVey met us on the dock as we arrived at their home port, Aqua Yacht Marina, Iuka, MS, at the north end of the TennTom River. They greeted us and took our lines with that ole Southern accent that only Charlie has, "now give your mid, now give me your bow, now give me your stern". I recall it like it was yesterday. Charlie introduced us to the dock manager and even arranged a slip near his boat for us to stay the evening. We were only there for one night as we were trying to make a weather window further down south. Charlie asked us if we liked chicken wings as he knew a great place that served them. He then asked us to join him and Robin along with other fellow Loopers for dinner that evening at Sunkin Ship Bar and Grill. Charlie had invited so many fellow Loopers that we had to get a second car to transport everyone. We all had a great time meeting each other because none of us were traveling together. Charlie and Robin brought us all together as only Charlie and Robin would - the more the merrier as they said. Charlie made sure that our needs were taken care of before we left to go down the TennTom. He handed each of us a copy of his helpful hints and suggestions navigating the TennTom before we journeyed any further. He made our trip to Mobile so much better than we had anticipated and his handout was spot on. And the place for chicken wings - it was top notch as well - just wish I had a few of them to eat right now.”
“Charlie took the time to boat down the Tombigbee and report on the current status of various anchorages which we found very helpful.”
“Charlie's home port is at Aqua Yacht Safe Harbor Marina, located at the beginning of the Tenn-Tom Waterway. Charlie has spent countless hours meeting and entertaining Loopers who arrive at the marina, and also contacting Loopers that have arrived at other marinas in the area. As a Platinum Looper, Charlie is a valuable resource for the Loop but especially the waterway to Mobile, AL. Charlie cruised the Tenn-Tom Waterway on his pontoon boat all the way to Columbus, MS documenting anchorages and depths to provide up-to-date information for Loopers. Charlie also uses his pontoon boat to show points of interest on Pickwick Lake, and also has an occasional cookout at his home. Charlie and Robin McVey have contributed so much to the members of AGLCA over the years and I feel deserve the Harbor Host of the Year award.”
“The McVeys met us when we arrived at Aqua Yacht. They graciously invited us to dinner in their home. They loaned us their vehicle when we were at the Looper Rendezvous so I could catch a flight out of Columbus. They invited us to Buddy boat with them down the Tenn-Tom & across the Gulf! They are amazingly helpful, have so much knowledge to share and are so welcoming to the newbies in AGLCA. We have watched them help numerous boaters in the short time we have known them. We cannot say enough good things about the McVeys.”
“These two are simply awesome and serve above and beyond. They provided an excellent route overview at the Rendezvous and travelled with us from Columbus, MS to Bradenton, FL, teaching and sharing along the way. They are always available to share info and assisted us with a dinner in their home, use of their car at Rendezvous and took a group of us for a ride on their pontoon boat. Charlie offered excellent maintenance and route advice. They are truly selfless and the epitome of a great harbor host(s).”
Rip & Beth Tyler
2020 Winners

“Located on the broad expanse of rural Campbell Creek, NC just around the corner of the landmark R.E. Mayo Seafood docks, Rip & Beth Tyler are Harbor Hosts nonpareil! Gold Loopers themselves, they are expert cruisers and former competitive sailboat racers. Together they are a well-matched couple versed in all aspects of sail and powerboat operation and navigation. Going South to Florida, SIGMACHI's crew pre-arranged a stopover with the Tylers. We contacted them by Internet and when we were in the nearby AICW and then switched to VHF...Their guidance in the channel was superb through one narrow turn until we reached the comfortable depths of the Campbell Creek basin and their home and excellent pier on the southern shore. With their handheld VHF, they guided us to their T-Head. Handling our lines, hooking up water and twin 30 A power cords were done by Rip & Beth before we even shut the twin 6-71 Detroits down. Whilst we were there, Rip installed a Garmin 8610 Chart Plotter that was drop-shipped to their home as a replacement unit and also connected the AIS receiver from the Horizon Standard combination VHF. I told you that these are super accomplished mariners! Oh, by the way, Rip saw the "open array" Raytheon radar and inquired if it was operational. "I don't know," I countered..."It came with the boat!" Within 30 minutes he had it working and explained the controls to least enough to turn it on and adjust it to use 'til this day! Beth took us by motor vehicle to visit R.E. Mayo Seafood and tour the facility, ship's store and the commercial shrimp boats at the docks.”
Rip & Beth completed their Loop on March 31, 2019 at Lady's Island, SC. At the time, they said, "A trip of a lifetime made so not by the places we saw or the accomplishment itself, but by the people we met along the way."
From Lady's Island, they headed home to continue in their role as Harbor Hosts, providing assistance to the Loopers who would follow in their wake. In doing so, they have become two of the people other Loopers will speak fondly of during their own wake crossing announcements.
After many years of cruising and volunteering their services to other Loopers, Rip & Beth recently announced they were taking a hiatus. Their plan is to trailer their Rosborough and their Montana fifth wheel trailer, splitting their time between land and water. They have sold their Campbell Creek dock, but plan to keep in touch. Keep an eye out for them ~ you never know where they might turn up and, as they said recently in the forum, "We'll be ready for cocktails, rocktails or locktails."
It's always bittersweet when Gold Loopers finish their Loops and move on to other adventures. I'm sure we speak for many Loopers when we say we are thrilled for them, but will certainly miss them and all they have given of themselves to AGLCA over the years.
It seems fitting that they are the recipients of this year's True North Award.
Robert & Kay Creech
2019 Winners

Our 2019 Harbor Hosts of the Year are Robert & Kay Creech. Robert & Kay have been AGLCA members since 2007 and were also the winners of the Harbor Host of the Year award in 2012. In addition to speaking at AGLCA events, they also serve on our advisory council. Read on for what other Loopers had to say about Robert & Kay:
"Robert walks the docks every day and invites each and every looper he finds to his and Kay's front porch for conversation, Tomm-Toms, wine, and to provide friendship and support. They provide transportation and advice. They have consistently done this for years."
"Steadfastly through the years given their time and sage advise to help any looper or cruiser passing through their area."
"Robert and his grandson came down to our boat after we docked with a warm, friendly greeting and a welcome to Southport, NC. He offered us information and invited us to stop at their home. Later, we walked by their home on our way to town and he and Kay and friends were sitting on the porch and they insisted we come up, offered us drinks. They are the friendliest people that you will ever meet. We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them."
"In addition to excellent presentations on the AICW at AGLCA events, he goes way out of his way to help those transiting through Southport. Some examples: He provided us, first timers with a suggested set of stops as we moved south in December. This was done via email. When we got to Southport he purchased a new water pump for us as the parts store we going to be closed before we got there and the next day. This without ever meeting us. He made sure we knew about the weather and route brief nightly at the marina. I spent an hour or so just chatting on his front porch. He brought his granddaughter with him to deliver that water pump. We enjoyed her company. He is an all around ABCD (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty) sorta guy."
Foster Schucker & Susan Wilson
2018 Winners

Foster & Susan are one of the Harbor Hosts for the Chesapeake Bay region and have been nominated in previous years as well. We are happy to present them with the True North Award at the Spring Rendezvous (May 6-9, 2019) in Norfolk. Check out what other Loopers had to say:
"Years ago, a new voice appeared on the forum; he sounded interesting, thought I would like to meet him in person one day. We were docked in Killarney and noticed a Canadian Coast Guard cutter sitting at the entrance to the channel, then a Bayliner came in escorted by a large CCC RIB. Foster's anchor had slipped the night before and they went into some rocks at the anchorage. Foster & Susan practice "paying it forward", last year we gave away 2 Maptech Chart Guides they let us use. And I know there are a couple of large fender balls somewhere on the loop again. Foster meets up with Loopers all around the C & D Canal, last year we saw him in Delaware City, another year he came to Chesapeake City to greet us. They also contribute frequently on the forum."
"There are several famous people in this world who go by one name: Madonna, Cher, Prince, etc. In the looping world, we have Foster. He is a Gold Looper planning on going for Platinum, we can overlook he is doing it on his beloved Bayliner; everyone is not perfect. Foster was extremely helpful to me when I was doing the loop. While I never met him personally, he was extremely helpful in offering advice for the Delaware River and the NJ ICW. But Foster went above and beyond for me. I did the loop in a small 20ft center console. When doing the Great Lakes, he was my go to guy for weather help. I know that we had a fellow solo looper who passed thru his area who needed special help both emotionally and financially and Foster was there for him. Not only that day but far beyond. Foster not only devotes his time to the AGLCA speaking at seminars and Rendezvous, he also volunteers his time to young future engineers with robotics. Please vote for Foster as Harbor Host of the Year."
"Have worked with Foster repeatedly going north and south. He always has time to fill me in on local conditions and weather. Even tracked me down the Jersey Coast and told me what was ahead. Meets the Loopers coming through when they stop at nearby sites - and not necessarily his home marina. He consistently provides useful additions to forum discussions and has a good sense of humor about it. Great host!"
John & Juliet Calascibetta
2017 Winners

Our 2017 Harbor Hosts of the Year are John & Juliet Calascibetta from Staten Island, NY. John and Juliet have been nominated several times and it is our pleasure to present them with the award this year. Read on for a peek into the great things they are doing for their fellow Loopers every day.
"John has continuously gone over and beyond in assisting Loopers in the New York City Area by hosting them at the Great Kills Yacht Club. So much so, that even if he is absent, he has instilled the "Harbor Host" attitude into many of his fellow yacht club members! When we arrived in June, not one, not two, but FOUR yacht club members helped us find our slip, take our lines and welcome us like long lost friends! Then John arrived and apologized for his absence at our arrival!"
"We got a late start due to some weather and mechanical issues, arriving at Great Kills Yacht Club on November 15th, 2017 and the water on the docks was already turned off. John met us that afternoon on the dock and assisted me with running about 400 feet of hose out to our boat so we could fill our freshwater tank. It was getting quite cold, but John just jumped right into action and worked with me to get our tank filled. After the fill-up, he came aboard with a welcome packet that included a MetroCard, good for the entire bus and subway transportation system of New York City. He told us to just use the card, track the expenses that went on the card and pay him back before we left. Then he drove us to a great Italian Supermarket to stock up the boat."
"He personally handles the reservations, meets incoming boats to assist with docking, and drove us to the grocery for provisioning."
"He even regularly provides transportation (if possible) to get loopers to the train station (1 mile away) so they can get to the Staten Island Ferry to tour NYC. He arranges repairs at adjacent marinas and sources technicians if needed."
Herb Seaton
2016 Winner

Our 2016 Harbor Host of the Year is Herb Seaton from Tarpon Springs, FL. Herb goes above and beyond to help fellow Loopers. Read below to see what those who nominated him had to say.
"Herb met us at the marina the morning after our arrival. He is a true ambassador for Tarpon Springs! He brought us a map and treats making us feel very welcome. He is a wealth of information and his recommendations for where to eat did not disappoint. After he left us, we told him we were going to try to take our dinghy to the sponge docks downtown but he said there was no suitable place to leave it. We decided to take a dinghy ride anyway. As we were cruising beside the docks, who do we see running towards us trying to get our attention? Herb! He had found a place to leave the dinghy and had been walking up and down the docks trying to find us and let us know. Herb was our first experience with a Harbor Host and he was amazing!"
"Herb went above and beyond providing information for both local and also route info further down the GIWW. Herb also used his car to take several of us around Tarpon Springs to show us some of the local facilities. He is a very knowledgeable and outgoing person."
"Came around and introduced himself at the Rendezvous. Helped us find a marina in Tarpon Springs. When a Turtle Cove office worker reported depth of 3.5 feet, Herb went over to Turtle Cove to speak with the owner and dockmaster to verify that depth was greater than 4 feet. He met us on our boat with pastries and met us for breakfast the next morning. He offered to drive us wherever we wanted and gave restaurant recommendations. He checked on us several times during our three-day stay in Tarpon Springs."
Kitty Nicolai
2015 Winner

Our 2015 Harbor Host of the Year is Kitty Nicolai. Residing in Cape Coral, Florida, Kitty opens her arms to every Looper who stops by. She provides a home away from home.
One couple said, “Kitty was most welcoming. She provided free dock space, which is something almost no one else is able to do. Kitty provided the most detailed charts and photos of the canal to her home off the Okeechobee Waterway. She cooked dinner and provided drinks. She opened her home so we could use the bathroom and showers. Her spare bedroom was also available if we chose to use it. We really enjoyed our visit.”
Another member said, “Kitty has gone above and beyond for any Looper who came her way. She has a beautiful suite of rooms available for us to use if we don't want to stay on our boat. She will make a grocery store trip with us or take us anywhere else we need to go. She even fed us dinner the night we were there”.
Freya Petersen & Don Bennett
2014 Winners

Our 2014 Harbor Hosts of the Year are Ontario residents Freya Petersen and Don Bennett.
Freya Petersen and Don Bennett provide their Harbor Host services in Peterborough, Ontario. Freya and Don greet each and every Looper entering Peterborough and often provide "Welcome to Canada" bags which include some of Freya's homemade jelly. They act as tour guides to the area and are happy to provide transportation if needed.
Some of the reasons we received for giving the two this honor were:
"You are greeted at the Peterborough Marina with a Canada bag and home-made jelly.....There are Docktails with Freya bringing her homemade Swedish meatballs, trips to the Farmer's Market and grocery store for Peameal Bacon....They are available and go out of there way to make sure "LOOPERS" feel special. We even had mail delivered to their home. If you stopped in Peterborough you met Don and Freya and the welcome mat was out!"
Congratulations to Freya and Don!
Jerry & Jenny Reves
2013 Winners

Our 2013 Harbor Hosts of the Year are Charleston, S.C. residents, Dr. Jerry and Jenny Reves. Jerry and Jenny have helped many Loopers cruising through Charleston.
Once couple who spent two months in Charleston said, "Jenny and Jerry have gone above and beyond as Harbor Hosts. They have loaned us transportation numerous times. They hosted us and two other Looper couples at dinner in Charleston in addition to being gracious host at their home".
Another said, "They showed us round, gave us their car, had us for cocktails and took us to a great restaurant for dinner, all the time showing such enthusiasm for their city. Great people!"
Their award was presented at the Fall 2014 Rendezvous & Reunion held at Joe Wheeler State Park in Rogersville, Ala. Unfortunately, Jenny could not attend, but Jerry graciously accepted the award for both of them.
Jerry and Jenny do a wonderful job of showing Loopers the beautiful, historic city of Charleston while assisting them during their stay in any way possible!
Robert & Kay Creech
2012 Winners

Harbor Hosts Robert and Kay Creech, who divide their time between Marathon, Fla., and Southport, NC, are our Harbor Hosts of the Year for 2012. This is the second year they have been nominated!
Robert and Kay have helped many Loopers by providing a chart review presentation of the ICW between Marathon, Fla., and Virginia. They provide information on local history and places of interest to Loopers passing through their area, as well as transportation or a delicious meal. They "roll out the red carpet" for visiting Loopers and if you want to talk about the Loop, "try and stop them!"
One Looper, who nominated Robert and Kay, stated on his form that, " Bob was very helpful with local knowledge and future ports of call. They helped us with our lines, charts and maps, even offered to come to us if we needed help further up the water. Just all around nice people!"
Another said, "Outstanding - outstanding - outstanding ! Robert and Kay gave us the in's & out's of Marathon, Fla. - even helping us find the Owls. They hosted a three-hour talk on traveling from Marathon to Norfolk that included a printed itinerary that we followed every step of the way. They made sure we noted every area of pleasure and concern on our charts. We are very grateful for their help. They checked with us every day in Marathon - unbelieveable dedication and concern for their fellow boaters. We now consider Robert and Kay friends."
The Harbor Hosts of the Year receive a plaque, a lifetime membership and complimentary attendance at the Fall 2012 Rendezvous group meals, events and seminars!
Tom & Patsy Conrad
2011 Winners

Harbor Hosts Tom and Patsy Conrad were the winners of the First Annual Harbor Host of the Year Award. The nominees for the award were submitted by our members, who were permitted to send in as many nominations as they wanted. Once the nominating period was over, the AGLCA Homeport Crew tabulated them and came up with the final four couples. All of the members were then invited to vote for their choice. Tom and Patsy won with 38% of the vote.
Tom and Patsy Conrad were Harbor Hosts in Pensacola, Fla. Tom was best known to most Loopers as the provider of "Weather Musings", which have helped hundreds of Loopers safely make the Gulf crossing. They hosted many dinners for Loopers, as well as playing tour guide, and offering transportation. They even offered stranded Loopers a place to stay while their boat was being repaired. They are "delightful and charming Harbor Hosts". Tom passed away in 2015, the Harbor Host of the Year award was renamed as the True North Harbor Host of the Year Award in honor of Tom and Patsy. Their boat was named True North.