AGLCA Mobile App
The AGLCA app is available for Apple and Android devices!

Download from the Apple Store
Download from the Google Play Store
The app is integrated with the AGLCA website, so when prompted to login or register, use the same email address and password that you use to sign on to the AGLCA website. This will unlock any details that are for members only.
One of the best features is the "Near Me" button that will show you Harbor Hosts, Sponsors, and "Best of" the Loop selections that are closest to your location. This will make it extremely easy to find Harbor Hosts and Sponsors! Just tap for their details.
In addition to a map showing the route and the "Near Me" features, the Home button gives you access to a menu of other goodies. Great Loop segment information is accessible via the "Route Info" selection. Each segment has an overview of that area of the Loop and a link to a sample itinerary. You can even download GPX files directly to your device.
You'll also find easy links to FAQs, the Member Directory and the Sponsor Directory (which includes discount offers), and an easy way to suggest additions to the "Best of the Loop".
If you have any feedback on the app or need support, please let us know by emailing [email protected].