What Else Can You Do to Reach AGLCA Members?

Do you want to get to know AGLCA members? Our live events are great places to start those relationships!  We hold three popular Rendezvous a year, and a few Looper Lifestyle events too. The Rendezvous offer more in-depth information to our members and the Looper Lifestyle events are for our newest members (a year of AGLCA membership is included in the registration fee).  All sponsors are invited to participate in our events; even if you can't attend, you are permitted to send welcome bag items and door prizes.

We send out monthly benefit trackers (click to download the sample) that will help you keep track of which benefits you've used each month.  It should help you see which benefits you have left and are still available to you as the year progresses.  If you don't receive this, please let us know.