Rendezvous Registration is $450 per person and includes all seminars, two Looper Crawls, two lunches, three dinners, and three cash bar receptions.  One lunch will include Gold Loopers attending the Gold Looper Reunion, held in conjunction with the Rendezvous.  Fees for marina slips and hotel rooms are in addition to the registration fee and paid directly to the facility in which you book reservations.  Rendezvous registration is open to AGLCA members only.  If you wish to join AGLCA in order to register for the Rendezvous, you may use this link to do so.

Registration is open through Sunday, January 14th or whenever we reach capacity for the event, whichever comes first.

 Attendees also have the opportunity to extend their AGLCA membership for one, two, or three additional years, or to upgrade to a lifetime membership, at 50% off regular rates, for a savings of up to $337.  This offer is only available on-site to registered attendees.

Cancellation Policy: Please note this cancellation policy for our Rendezvous.  Should you need to cancel, we will refund your registration fees less a cancellation penalty as follows, based on your cancellation date:

October 23-November 14: $50
November 15-December 15: $100
December 16-January 14 :  $200
After January 14: No refund