Join AGLCA at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center in Punta Gorda, FL for Looper-palooza!  The Gold Looper Reunion will also be held in conjunction with Looper-palooza. For the Gold Looper Reunion registration process, click here.

Looper-palooza includes seminars split into two tracks--a Route Briefing track and a Looping 101 track.  Unlike a Rendezvous, though, Looper-palooza does not include Looper Crawls as part of the agenda.

Looper-palooza will also include two dinners, two lunches and two cash-bar receptions.  One lunch will be combined with Gold Loopers attending the Gold Looper Reunion being held in conjunction with Looper-palooza.

Registration will be open through Monday, January 20th or whenever we reach capacity for the event.